MITRA Forums

Gillian Marcus
Group: Moderator
Joined: 2024-09-16
Title: Member Moderator
At very low humidity, the paper substrate can contract as it…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
Sorry, I meant to add current, general guidelines for works …

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
Hi Marko – the environmental situation you’re describing is…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
​That’s a good question! Printmaking papers, including Rive…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
​Also, just to add – good fine art framers can often carry o…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
Usually when Marvelseal is used, it is as part of a microcli…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
​Hi there. As long as you’re not creating an anoxic environ…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
​Hi there. Masking tape is generally a rubber-based adhesiv…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

6 years ago
​High alpha cellulose paper and cotton rag paper are made wi…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
​Matthew, I would tend to agree that your suggested method s…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
​Hi there! I’m curious, when you say “sizing” what process …

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
Hello! Sarah’s answer is great, and about as thorough as yo…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
I can only really answer regarding adhesives on paper, as pa…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
​Hi there – when you say that you want to protect the painti…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
​Hi Koo, That is a strange situation. I’m wondering if the…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

7 years ago
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