MITRA Forums

Brian Baade
Group: Moderator
Joined: 2024-09-16
Title: Member Moderator
​I beleive that much of this has been covered here in the pa…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
Most modern tempered hardboard panels are manufactured in su…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
​I have not seen alcohol included in recipes for shellac soa…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
First, please read through #22 in ourMyths, FAQs, and Common…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
First, I would be remiss if I did not mention the issues abo…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
​A turbid curtain may not filter out all of the UV but it wo…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
The binder in inks vary from manufacturer and lines. Waterpr…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
The proper strength casein would be suitable for panel, but…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
​East Asian lacquer is a resin made from the highly toxic sa…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
Really when you take everything into account, UVLS varnishes…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
So sorry. This is one of the reasons why I hate the term “ge…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
When you write “gessoed linen” I am assuming that you mean t…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
It is certainly true that in historical works, oil and egg t…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
I do not see a problem with this. I was not uncommon to exp…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
Do not sand lead white paint. I also greatly prefer to contr…

In forum MITRA Q&A Forum

2 years ago
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