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prints and oils
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prints and oils


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I got this question from a student of mine. He wants to paint with oils on top of a inkjet print. My concern is that those inks might bleed into the oilpaint. Does anyone have experience with this?

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1 Answer

​If they are solvent-based inks they very well might. This would be an easy thing to test on a small scale….take some turp or mineral spirits (or whatever diluent your student is using) and apply to a very small area of the inkjet print (as in a drop along an edge or in a corner). You will be able to tell immediately if there are solubility issues….but then again your student may like the overall effect that this produces. As an aside we have had a few queries relating to inkjets on MITRA (thisone may be of particular interest). One way to pull them all up is to simply insert “inkjet” into the search field.
