Hi There, I’m a painter and am looking to incorporate spray paint into my paintings. I usually paint in acrylic first then oil and would like to be able to paint with an oil based spray paint in the upper layers of the canvas. Do you know what the longevity or archival nature of using a oil based spray paint or enamel might be? what changes or adhesion issues might i run into using a product like rustoleum? is it a big no-no? should I try using high quality oil paints via an airbrush instead? Thanks!
Spray paints contain a complex assortment of additives not normally used in artists’ oils, or exceeding the amounts used in oil painting. These include driers and anti-skinning agents that can have a powerful effect on the entire thickness of the painting, along with powerful solvents. For these reasons alone, I would say that hardware store spray paint could be problematic if durability of results is important in your work.