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new research at Golden…more whites in safflower recommended?


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Trevor Ambrose’s article in the September 23, 2023 edition of “Just Paint” implies that many colors (especially organics) would be better protected from fading if the paint layers are in titanium in safflower oil.  The latter, however, creates a less flexible paint layer giving us a choice between…

a.   less lightfast colors in a stronger film of lead white in linseed which is less likely to crack,


b.  more lightfast colors in a less strong film of titanium in safflower.

I paint on aluminum panels and currently adjust my paint layers accordingly to strike a balance, eg…

1.  lead white in linseed

2.  lead white-titanium, 50-50, both in linseed

3.  titanium in linseed

4.  titanium in linseed-safflower, 50-50

5.  any small highlights in titanium in safflower

Any suggestions?


Thanks for your help,


PS…I’ve been a past member of both AMIEN and MITRA (about 16+ years altogether) and am happy that MITRA has been revived. I made a new membership as I messed up logging into the old membership.

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