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hog bristle brush h…
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hog bristle brush hair fray after clean with soap and water


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​Dear MITRA community,

i found issues of the high quality hog bristle brush (from a reknown Spanish brand), that when i clean it with soap and water, the hair will fray out that makes the brush out of shape.
so i want to ask if you have experience the similar issues and how would you resolve the issue?

​someone warns clean with solvent will damage the hair as the natural oil is loosing result britle hair. best to clean with oil soap. but then once the hair contact of water, no mater it is just dip into water or rinse with water, the brand new brush will just frayed out. 

​​Not sure this is an answer but rather a- ” Me too!.” In an effort to go solvent free I was using lineseed oil- to wipe ​​or  soak, sitting in  the “bull pen,” rather than having in a can of open OMS or turp. Needless to saay they harden a bit and after washing  they were like yours. Now I use grape oil,  safflower oil- a slower drying oil- before soap and water. Much better results. But better yet , before washing, was reintroducing a quick wipe with some new version of OMS  my old stand by resource put out. Hope that helps in some way
