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2019-07-26 10:34
Topic starter
Caparol ( a german product ) is very useful for grounds ( mixed witjh chalk and lithopone )Is it available in America, somewhere?
3 Answers
2019-07-26 11:59
Do you mean the Capacryl line? I’m not aware of any sources in the US, sorry.
2019-07-26 13:03
Caparol is a German paint company but does not appear to be a specific product.
2019-07-26 18:27
Ah, French and not German. That is why we could not find it. The product is a poly vinyl acetate dispersion. I have now seen a few high PVC grounds bound in similar binders. We have a contact from Sennelier (actually Savoir Faire who represents and distributes a group of French art materials manufacturers in the states) who fields questions about these products on MITRA