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best practice if apply faster over slower dry oil color?


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​Dear Mitra community,

in practice we usually may in need apply a faster dry color over slower dry one, for instance, something like PR101 and PY42, which are very fast drying color maybe used on top of more slower drying one, like titanium white or some synthetic colors. 
And doing this will violate fat over lean rule if used as is, but will there any best practice we can apply in this order while still be free of archival problem?

maybe adding oil to faster dry one to slow it down?

And giving plenty of time for the slow drying white to dry beforehand will also help a lot.

Hi Lussh, thanks for your input, then how do we know the proper oil amount to add that can slow it down effectively well not over dose oil as well?​​

Hello there,
It’s not a simple answer since it depends of many parametres from your painting technique and materials.
The simplest answer I can give is: just a li’ll more oil than the previous layer and plenty more time to dry than the previous layer. 
The thinner the layers the better, thickness is one foe of oil drying. ​
If slightly more oil to the layer means you have to bring mostly pure oil, paint thinly, avoid mediums with resin/varnish in them and wait for a really long time afterward.

Cheers and do check the other question next to this one, you two had similar concerns.
