New to this site…so I’m sorry if this has been asked before. Sometimes I use casein paint as a ground on rigid supports like hardboard to paint with oil colours on top. Also under it I tend to use rabbit skin glue as a size (or a transparent acrylic ‘gesso’ which I have found it to be a great sealer) Just wondering if the size layer is necessary…or if just few coats of skim milk might be enough to act as a size?
Sorry for the belated response, I was away from a computer for a week and I do not have the MITRA moderator system on my phone. Given the silence from other moderators I guess that we are all taking a break this week.
You are probably not going to have a problem sizing with glue and coating with casein paint, but I would probably suggest just using the casein paint without an animal glue size to keep the stratigraphy as uncomplicated as possible. You could use a casein solution in its place if you require a size.
As to sizing the casein, I am not sure if that is necessary unless you require a less absorbent surface due to your oil technique. I am sure that acrylic dispersions would work. But it is really changing the nature of the underpainting. This may or may not be what you want.