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Sticky/stringy pain…
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Sticky/stringy paint without levelling


Topic starter

What kind of mediums or additives​ can I add to my oil paint to give it a sticky/stringy quality that won’t also cause the paint to level? The use of bodied oils provides the stickyness and stringiness, but levels too much. 

​Marble dust is one thing I’ve tried that seems to help somewhat, but I also want to thin the consistency of the paint, which degrades the stringiness that the marble dust adds. So maybe my diluting agent needs to somehow add/retain stringiness?

2 Answers

I achieved a nice, ropy body adding 10% marbledust to titanium white tube oils, then adding a small amount of stand oil with a palette knife. The resulting mixture was long-bodied with sinuous ribbons when brushed. It’s important to achieve a homogenous distribution with the marbledust first, because it’s a lot harder to work the paint once stand oil has been added. I think a small pile could be mixed with a wide, flat palette knife, but a larger pile (enough to fill a tube) will require a muller to reduce clusters of powder.


An alkyd-based gel medium may help retain ropiness better than liquid. In particular, some of the alkyd gels sold in tubes are good for retaining paint body.
