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Sintra (PVC board )…
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Sintra (PVC board ) as a surface for oil painting?


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​I am interested in painting on Sintra -a brand name for a type of closed-cell polyvinyl chloride-  because I’ve been told it is more stable than the birch ply panels  I have been using for years.  It is much lighter  (which will allow me to paint larger) and isn’t supposed to be affected by humidity and temperature shifts.  I can’t find information anywhere though if it is considered archival.  Does anyone have any experience working with a surface like this?  Thanks

​@I can’t speak for the Sintra itself but PVC is often problematic because added plasticizers can migrate out of the surface at higher room temperatures. If you wish to use a PVC panel I’d recommend you find out if it’s unplasticizered first.

​​Thank you Marc. I did check with the manufacturer of Sinttra, (3A Composites) and there are no plasticizers in it.. So I’m guessing it’s good to go!  If anyone has any experience  using Sintra as an oil painting substrate I’d  love know more.   Thanks  again Marc
