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Signing an oil pain…
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Signing an oil painting


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​Need suggestions for a commercial quill or penlike vehicle to hold medium viscosity oil for signing oil paiantings OR

Is there an italic Sharpie like product whith which it is OK to sign an oil paiinting? Small brushes too broad, too many bristles.

2 Answers

​Another quick peek at MITRA between other work. I would not use a Sharpie or any marker. They are usually very fugitive to light and tend to be soluble in ethanol, acetone and other solvents that could be used in any future conservation procedures. I will let others comment on the best stylus


​I’ve never found a pen that works as well as a brush for signing paintings. A bit of practice and some attention to the consistency of the paint should facilitate any signature or calligraphic hand. For italic letters, a slanted chisel brush should do the trick.
