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Sealing Graphite un…
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Sealing Graphite under Oil Paints


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​Hello MITRA folks…I would like to seal a graphite or India Ink line drawing on canvas or board that has been ‘gessoed’ with acrylic dispersion fluid. The drawing would then be painted over with oil paints, but some of the drawing linework may remain exposed in the final painting. I would like to know what my options are for sealing the linework that would be ‘durable’ if left exposed in the final, varnished image, but also a good bond with the subsequent oil paint in some areas. I’m thinking acrylic matte medium, but maybe there are other options…? Thank you for your thoughts!

​Much appreciated, Brian.

1 Answer

Since you are using an acrylic dispersion ground anyways, acrylic matte medium would be a fine choice. If you wanted to avoid brushing and possibly smearing the drawing (much more of a possibility with graphite than waterproof ink, and you would want to make sure that your ink is waterproof), a spray coat of B-72 would work well. I do know that Lascaux Fixative Aerosol Spray is 2% B-72 in a solvent solution if you wanted to go that route. There are probably other brans that use the same resin but I am not sure since many do not reveal their ingredients.
