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Satin Vanish query
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Satin Vanish query


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Hi all,
I’m having some difficulties with applying satin varnish (W&N Professional Satin Varnish) or Gamvar Varnish with a brush and getting a completely streak free finish when using smooth panels for acrylic paintings. I’ve found the best results is with W&N Professional satin varnish and applying two thin coats at 90 degree angles to each other. But it’s still not perfect.

I’ve tried the spray versions but there is a subtle dotty kind of pattern from the propelant/solvent which I am not keen on.

Am I correct in that apart from the impressionists most of the paintings you see and work on for your work are using a gloss finish for the varnish? It seems much easier to apply a gloss varnish and get good results, but then you have issues with lighting and glare when haning paintings in the home.

Any ideas? Is it just a lot of practice needed, or is there a fundamental limitiation with matting agents used in varnishes and getting a totally even finish?
