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Sanding RSG off pan…
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Sanding RSG off panel to apply an acrylic size OK?


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​Dear MITRA 
I have some Masonite panels I previously sized with RSG, both sides, to which I glued canvas, but the paintings I did on these didn’t work out, so I removed the canvas. I’d now like to paint on the panels but feel they will need an extra coat of size as some RSG came off with the removal of the canvas. Can I just sand the old RSG off and apply an acrylic size? Or should I just go for another RSG size to be on the safe side?

​​Thanks Greg

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1 Answer

​We have seen some acrylic products get mealy when applied over RSG. The ammonia in the acrylic seems to soften the RSG which disrupts drying.  If you feel like you can sand the majority of the glue from the panel, then it may be fine to prepare with Acrylic gesso. Start with thin layers that will dry fast, then build up from there. Good luck!
