I know lots of oil painters who paint directly on RSG size on linen, with no primer. A frien recently encountered a problem I wanted to ask about.
She prepared many canvasesin her normal way (I do not know the strength of her RSG or how many coats). She used all but one of the canvases. She went back to paint onthe last canvas after one year and found that the oil paint penetrated the size.
We talked it over and since nothing but the curing time was different we figured that the year of drying had shrunk the size away from the fibres so the seal was no longer complete or even. Does this sound right? It would mean that the layer of oil paint helps stabilise the RSG, perhps sealing it on the one side so there was less surface to react with the humidity in the air. Or does anyone see another possible explanation?
Thank you.
I am not sure what went wrong on that canvas but there should no real change in absorbency unless the canvas was subjected to extreme himidity, centrainly not in that sort of a timeframe.