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Orientation of Two …
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Orientation of Two Beva Films with ACM


Topic starter

​The instructions on mounting linen onto solid supports, particularly ACM panels, is not clear with how the two Beva 371 films should be oriented.  There are 4 possible orientations of the Beva 371 films between the linen and the ACM panel — two have the two Beva 371 films pointed in the same direction, and two have the two Beva 371 films pointed in opposite directions.

Which orientation configuration of the two Beva 371 films is recommended and why?

Below the hyphen represents the separation between layers

A) linen – Beva/Mylar – Mylar/Beva – ACM
B) linen – Mylar/Beva – Beva/Mylar – ACM
C) linen – Beva/Mylar – Beva/Mylar – ACM
D) linen – Mylar/Beva – Mylar/Beva – ACM

Also, in what order do you recommend adhering the two Beva films in the assembly?  The solid support writeup isn’t super clear on this.  Is the recommened order, 1) adhere Beva film to the ACM 2) adhere Beva film to the linen 3) adhere the ACM+Beva and linen+Beva pieces together?
