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Matting Agent
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Matting Agent


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Do you know specifically what substance(s) are added as matting agents to matte varnishes and mediums?   
Thanks, Koo

​I recently learned about a substance called Terpineol, a few drops of which can apparently be added to a medium to make it more matte. Has anyone used this before or have more information about it? 


​Hi Brian – Apologies for the delayed reply. Yes exactly, I learned about it from Kremer. They only have a very large container available at this time, so I’m waiting for smaller bottles to come in before trying it out as well. Thanks for looking into this!


​It appears that you can purchase smaller bottles of Terpineol on ebay and amazon. 30ml for $10 was one example I found. Kremer lists it in their catalog thusly: “Terpineol, slowly evaporating solvent for oil paint mediums.” I couldn’t find any reference to it on their website other than the catalog listing.

7 Answers

​Typical types of matting agents for varnishes are fumed silica, wax and zinc stearate.


I am unaware of the use of this substance as a matting agent. Perhaps Matthew or George can shed more light on this.


I have corresponded with a few other moderators and no one has heard of turpeneol being used as a matting agent. It is a colorless liquid at room temperature. Where did you get this information?


Matthew Kinsey found this product on Kremer’s site and it does appear to create a matte paint surface. We have no experience with its use.  George has said that he will be experimenting with it. We will report back when there is more to say.




I cam to know about it as a material that Brice Marden used to create a matte surface, but have never done testing although do have some and can say it smells like an overpowering Pine-Sol​. For a couple of references to the use by Brice Marden see (do a search for the term):
But as to its true long-term impact on the paint, I have not seen any research but as a painter that loves matte surfaces it did catch my curiosity.


I’m actually not sure. It was quite a few years ago, as part of a wide range of materials we were curious about, but am not even certain if we still have it in storage. I can check the next time I am on-site but currently work from home, so it might be a couple of weeks. And of course am not even certain if the one we brought in is the same as Brice Marden used or the most optimal.
