Hello –
First, thank you MITRA for providing such a wealth of information and expertise. I have greatly improved my craft by reading your resources and forums.
My question is not addressed in your resources articles. It is: can MSA (acrylic which is not water-based) be added to oil paint with no appreciable archival concerns? The scenario I am thinking of is if the oil painter paints thin and allows the surface to be touch-dry before applying the next layer. If this is possible, I think it would help in achieving one of my goals in terms of perceived depth and luminescence, similar to Maxfield Parrish, but lasting longer.
At least one commercial provider, Lukas, offers it, albeit with dammar, and it is advocated in other art technical materials discussions.
If it is possible, what are the other process steps or materials which need to be considered?
Thank you.
I understand what you are saying Brian, but could I ask if the addition of Acrylic would help reduce the rigitidy of oil paint films to the point of cracking after cross-linking for many many years?
From what I understood the process continues for all drying and semi-drying oils until the paint film becomes very brittle and can crack.
I would have throught they something that could be added to paint films to redure or stop this from happening would be very beneficial?
Hi –
OP here. Thank you for the quick and detailed response. Greatly appreciated! Although your response was not the go-ahead I would have liked to receive, it gave good information so I can make an informed decision. I work small on ACM, do not varnish, keep detailed records of materials, and generally frame with UV museum glass. None of this is foolproof, as I have no control of what happens to a painting after it leaves my studio.
I will explore alkyd medium additions, as you suggest. I will also try the MSA additions, to satisfy my own curiosity, to see which (MSA or alkyd) actually is better in reconstructing the Parrish glazes.
MITRA, you are the best!
Hi all,
I have taken an internet break since the evening of the election. I will respond to this tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay.
I would suggest against using such an additive in oil paint for many of the same reasons that I do not recommend adding dammar or mastic to oil paint. No, MSA is not going to yellow nor become brittle overtime but, honestly, those are my lesser worries.
MSAs will impart their solubility to oil paint in proportion to the amount added. One of the good things about MSA varnishes and other approved synthetics is that they remain soluble in solvents of a similar polarity/aromaticity over time. This is great since when the coating needs to be removed, it can be done using solvents that are less likely to damage the oil film. When these materials (natural and synthetic resins) are added to oil paint they GREATLY increase the chance that the painting will be irretrievably damaged if they ever need to be cleaned. Please see #5 on ourMyths, FAQs, and Common Misconceptions downloadable pdf found in our resources section.
If you feel the need to experiment with MSA varnish (or any soluble resin) as a paint additive, please make sure that you record this info somewhere (safely, not drawn on the back of a canvas, etc.) on the reverse of the painting (preferably on the stretcher bars if it is on fabric).
Finally, I would advise against varnishing such works and recording this fact (as above) so that no one inadvertently tries to clean it with solvents. This would not occur if the painting is being treated by conservator who would do all sorts of tests, but my experience is that there are just way to many DIY “restorers” out there. Their misguided efforts are the reason for about half of the conservation treatments that we receive.
I would really suggest using one of the more fluid alkyd painting mediums for your attempts to reconstruct the richness of Parrish’s glazes. Yes, he did sometimes use dammar in his layers, but he also often used copal varnish/medium as his additive. While the later will darken and perhaps impart brittleness, they at least become less soluble over time.
Even if this were the case, and I am not sure that it is, the increased solubility would vastly outweigh any benefits that could be derived.
It is interesting in that MSA could be considered a synthetic soft resin like dammar whereas an alkyd medium is a synthetic resin-oil medium analogous to copal-oil. Their handling and aging properties as quite different, though.