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Large amounts of oi…
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Large amounts of oil for oil paints


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Hello all,
I’ve done a couple of experimental paintings lately with a large amount of walnut oil added to tubed oil paints and mixed until the paint has the consistency of cream/thin yoghurt.

I have seen no wrinkling with the walnut oil (I expect there would be wrinkling with stand oil or plain linseed oil)

I am sure that the paint films will be less archival than using a minimum of oil, but if painted on a rigid (Dibond) surface would you expect that they would still last for decades, or fail within a few years?

One of the reasons I’m not sure is that I’m read that extenders and filler pigments like PW5 can make a paint film weaker, yet they are used a lot in student grade paints.


​Thank you Brian, that’s a good point. I do mostly use opaque pigments which I suppose might reduce the yellowing effect somewhat?

2 Answers

My worry about large amounts of oil is less about durability, but more about yellowing. Paints with the amount of oil you describe will yellow and darken to some degree, even if you are using walnut oil. Whether this is acceptable is up to you.


​The darkening will be lessened with very opaque pigments but I believe that there will still be at least minor darkening with the oil levels you mention.
