Are paint fumes bad for your health? If so how and why?
Just thought I’d add that I did buy a tube of Van Dyke Brown Deep from Sennelier that smelled of Turpentine. I contacted the seller who sent it back to Sennelier for testing. They said:
“I thought I’d let you know the results after the Van Dyke Brown Deep was tested- apparently the paint is ok! It contains extra turps because the pigment used in that paint is very fine.”
I wasn’t really convinced by this but got another colour in return.
Just thought I’d mention it in case you buy a tube of non-alkyd oil paint that smells of solvent.
It depends on the type of paint, thinners/mediums used, amount and frequency of exposure. Water-based paints like acrylics are generally very safe for artists of all ages. Tube oil paints themselves don’t produce any harmful fumes, but some of the thinners used in oil painting can be harmful if used in large amounts, especially in an enclosed space without adequate ventilation, or with repeated exposure over a long period of time. The product package will give indications for safe use, and the manufacturer or retailer will be able to provide the SDS for more specific information about a particular product.
If there is a specific art supply that concerns you, make sure to post a reply so we can point you in the direction of resources. Remember, however, that the Moderators are not physicians, so we can’t interpret symptoms or give advice about a specific medical condition.
Thanks Matthew, my sentiments are the same. We have been on the road for the last week with litle internet access.
Brian Baade