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Half Oil Ground
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Half Oil Ground


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​When I was in college in the 1980’s I did course on materials and were taught a recipe to make a primer called a half oil ground. It followed the same recipe as a tradirional gesso ground; rabbit skin glue, calcium carbonate, titanium white only we added half the volume with boiled linseed oil and a egg yolk to help emulsify the mixture. 

Is this a safe recipe to use? I remember enjoying painting on it.

Thanks Steven Lewis

1 Answer

A half glue/oil ground has the same issues associated with the use of animal glue (hygroscopic, very reactive to changes in relative humidity, etc). Other than this, a properly emulsified half glue/oil ground is reasonably permanent. These grounds are more flexible than straight chalk-glue and true gesso grounds. They are more brittle than oil and acrylic dispersion grounds and are best reserved for rigid supports.   
