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Golden fluid Tg
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Golden fluid Tg


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Hello forum,

does anyone know what is the glass transition temperature of the Golden fluid acrylics?

​What does this mean? What happens at 50 F and 68 F?

​Thank you.

3 Answers

I will forward this to our Golden representatives. I would not expect a response until the coming week.


​The calculated Tg of Fluid Acrylics is about 20°C (68°F) and the Minimum Film Formation Temperature (MFFT) is ~10°C (50°F). 


​Acrylic films need a minimum temperature to coalesce properly, with the acrylic solids being soft enough and coming together with enough force to squeeze out water and other additives and merging to form a coherent film. Thus the meaning of the lower temperature that is given. The higher figure is the Tg, or glass transition temperature, and marks the point when a material starts to move from a ‘hard’ to a ‘rubbery’ or ‘softer’ state. I put all of these terms in quotes because this is truly a continuous range and is not describing a sudden, dramatic change that you would notice moving between, say, 65F and 70F. Its a calculated figure that is useful as a way to compare how hard different materials might feel at a given temperature. For an artist, the main thing this is communicating is that at normal room temperatures acrylics are easily flexible, and would conversely become increasingly stiffer and more brittle as you go lower. Hope that helps.
