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Eco-friendly sizes
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Eco-friendly sizes


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​Is anyone aware of a size for oil painting that is not polymer based or rabbit-skin glue?

​I’m just an artist, but if used on a rigid service would Cassein work?​

2 Answers

The proper strength casein would be suitable for panel, but it is too brittle for canvas. Starches had periodically been used in the past, but much testing would be required to determine the proper strength and number of layers.I would not recommend it over acrylic dispersion mediums, though.


​a few dilute layers of dewaxed, blond shellac may be sufficient to reduce absorbency of a wood panel before oil paints. We have not tested longterm results over shellac, but perhaps other moderators could comment on its use under oils. There is reference to shellac in the resources section under “adhesives and sizes”.​
