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Cleaning old and un…
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Cleaning old and unvarnished paintings


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​What is the best way to clean old, unvarnished oil paintings in Belgian linen that have been affected by mold, dust, and some bits of paper stuck on some of them? These paintings were covered in glassin paper, parchment paper, and some in Manila paper and have been in storage for years. 
Also, it seems that most of the dusty white and ghostly appearance isn’t really mold but something else. This haze effect is visible in the dark areas where the earthy colors are, but never in the lighter areas. Also, the backs of the paintings are very clean. So, I’m not sure if it’s mold and how best to address this. I’m seeing so many conflicting advice online.
Note: I’m unable to go to a professional art restorer at this time, so will have to do everything myself. Please help. Would appreciate any advice. Thank you! 134152164_10157907941582358_7668322117097742284_n.jpg 

1 Answer

​Hi there,
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to give conservation treatment advice on MITRA.
Your best option in this instance is to locate a professionally trained conservator who is nearby or at least within commuting distance. We are happy to be able to help find someone if need be (the American Institute for Conservation has a database that is unfortunately in limbo at the moment) should you want to reach out to us via email.
I have witnessed far too many irreparable mishaps results from folks who attempted to remedy defects/damages in paintings (most of the time with good intentions) who then regretted doing so after the fact. We recently tended to a work where the owner attempted to remove the varnish and the re-apply a fresh coat….and it did not go well for the painting.
Again we are happy to help you track down a conservator if that would be helpful.
Dr. Kristin deGhetaldi
