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Cause of dimpling o…
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Cause of dimpling on linen


Topic starter

​I have had to withdraw a20170304_085913 – Copy.jpg painting for sale because of something that went wrong in its structure, sadly. This started on raw linen, rabbitskin glue (I don’t use that anymore) I used oil priming- titanium with a heaping tablespoon of quality lead white paint and a small amount of quality turps. It dried several months and I used universal varnish on it. I don’t heavy varnish, but a gallery in a different (dry) climate thought it needed more varnish. I bought the same brand etc and sent it to them and a respected artist with the same training added another coat. When I got the painting back, I loved it! It looked glassy and I preferred the look. However, this painting has always been the worst reactor to humidity changes of all my work. It’s got crossbar supports, yes. It’s now 13 years old and 2 years ago began to dimple.

1 Answer

It is a bit difficult to tell what is going on from the image (but thanks very much for including one for clarification!)…is there any possible way for you to take a picture of the reverse in the same area that is displaying signs of this “dimpling” effect?​
