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Adhering canvas to plywood wood panels


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​A previous post discussed using shellac to seal engineered wood panels.    (Note: I’m not yet using the pigmented shellac recommended in the post above but will for future projects)  Anyway,  I have been gluing pre-primed canvas to cradled plywood.  I use 2 coats of undiluted shellac (as the manufacturer recommends)  to seal all sides of the panel and cradle.   I then used PVA glue to adhere the canvas.  I was just wondering if there were any potential issues with this approach such as poor adhesion of the glue to the shellac or future delamination of the shellac under the canvas?  Should I be diluting the shellac to increase absorption and ensure good tooth for adhesion?  

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1 Answer

Your procedure sounds fine although, as you already suspect, I do think that you are probably overdoing the shellac. You want to cut the absorbency of the wood and diminish its absorption of moisture but not create a slick layer that may promote delamination of the canvas in the future. Thinning the shellac is likely a better idea.  I do not worry about the shellac coming away from the panel. A thinner coat would even make this less likely.
