MITRA is a public service for artists, educators, and researchers. The website and forum accepts no advertisements and all of our financial support comes from individual contributors. Art materials manufacturers have also generously donated with the full understanding that the forum will remain exclusively unbiased and objective in its recommendations.
If you are interested in the continued existence of an autonomous and objective forum on artists’ materials and techniques or have benefited from the advice given on this forum, please consider donating to help our team maintain MITRA. Future plans for MITRA include conducting research relating to commercially available substrates, analytical characterization of art materials, and artificial ageing to corroborate and evaluate longevity and preservation claims. Donors will be mentioned on the site unless they wish to remain anonymous. Please send additional questions to Brian Baade ([email protected]).
Donations can be made out to The University of Delaware and sent to:
MITRA, Art Conservation Department
18 East Main St
Old College Room 302
Newark, DE 19716